Saturday, February 8, 2014

Typically, I would wait until next month to publish a new post but something gloriously  and spectacularly "odd" has come to my attention!

I am presently diligently slaving away on this weekend's research paper for my online course in Human Development (MCC 521) at Bellevue University which deals with the topic of special counseling needs for gifted and talented adolescents. While I am online accumulating my list of references, I am blown away when I suddenly and unexpectedly come across the following article:

At the risk of self-inducing my own genuine crisis of "IMPOSTER SYNDROME" (a whole other topic in and of itself to be featured in a future blog), I am compelled to reveal to my readers that, on my honor, the article authored by Sherry Stahl Bragg (2006) was, indeed, written by none other than me...myself...and I!

Although I no longer go by Sherry S. Bragg, I can assure my readers that I absolutely did write the article and that I own the original hard-copy magazine.  I was pleasantly shocked and surprised to find that the article I wrote actually exists online and that I can site my own self as author in a related research paper! can I actually prove it since I now go by a different (legal) name?  How will I deal with potential accusations of mistaken identity, forgery, plagiarism, and/or dissociative identity syndrome?  Hmmm....?

I invite you all to begin by reading the Author's Note (under the caption, "Recommended Resources) on page 30 and leave it to you to decide.

Please, be my guest!

Bragg, S. S. (2006). The tao of solo parenting gifted children. Parenting for High Potential.
            June, 2006. (14-30). Retrieved on January 8, 2014, from

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